Alpha Delta Phi has provided opportunities for fellowship, fun and personal growth almost over 50,000 men since 1832. The goal is, simply put to help each other mold ourselves in to better men, morally socially and intellectually.
Here is a brief list of those more well known men who have taken what they learned in Alpha Delta Phi and used it for the betterment of their community, their country and the rest of humanity. The list has been divided into categories (Business, Science and Engineering, Sports, Entertainment, Education, Literature and Journalism, Science and Engineering, Government) and includes past and present activities and is in no sense all-inclusive.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harvard 1904
32nd President of the United States
Theodore Roosevelt, Harvard 1880
26th President of the United States
Salmon P. Chase, Dartmouth 1826
Secretary of the US Treasury Department
Joshua Chamberlain, Bowdoin 1852
Governor of Maine; Medal of Honor Reciepient
Frederick H. Gillett, Amherst 1874
Speaker; US House of Representatives
Michael N. Castle, Hamilton 1961
US Congressman
John S. Wold, Union 1938
US Congressman
William Luther, Minnesota 1967
US Congressman
Hon. John Black Aird, Toronto 1945
Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
Canadian Senator
Richard R. Burt, Cornell 1969
US Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany. U.S. Chief Negotiator in the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) with the fmr. Soviet Union
Joseph H. Choate, Harvard 1852
US Ambassador to Great Britain
William R. Day, Peninsular 1870
Secretary of State
Charles S. Fairchild, Harvard 1863
Secretary of the Treasury
James R. Garfield, Williams 1885
Secretary of the Interior
Alastair W. Gillespie, Memorial 1948
Member of Canadian Parliament
Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce (Canada)
Fred Upton, Peninsular 1975
US Congressman
Edward M. House, Cornell 1881
Politician, Presidential adviser, and diplomat
Otto Kerner, Jr., Brunonian 1930
Governor of Illinois
Charles H. Percy, Chicago 1941
U.S. Senator
Thomas C. Reed, Cornell 1956
Secretary of the Air Force
William Luers, Hamilton 1953
US Ambassador to Fmr. Czechoslovakia and Venezuela
Adrian Zuckerman, Lambda Phi 1979
US Ambassador to Romania
Dwight F. Davis, Harvard 1900
Secretary of War; Donor of the Davis Cup