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The Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity has developed this guide as a foundation to aid in the use and property recognition of the brand awareness of the fraternity. Extensive research and historical knowledge have gone into the creation and modernization of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity branding. This guide will aid in the development and effectiveness of communications that properly represent the fraternity. The visual message that Alpha Delta Phi has established must be cohesive and follow the guidelines properly. 

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Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is dedicated to inspiring a love of reading by gifting books free of charge to children from birth to age five, through funding shared by Dolly Parton and local community partners. Inspired by her father’s inability to read and write Dolly started her Imagination Library in 1995 for the children within her home county. Today, her program spans five countries and gifts over 1 million free books each month to children around the world.



At many universities and colleges, Greek life is an integral chapter in the journey to a degree. Holmes Murphy offers a dedicated team with expertise in providing a full suite of risk management and insurance products to protect your organization, host institution and the health, safety and wellbeing of your members when a difficulty arises.



It's On Us is a rallying cry inviting everyone to step up and realize that the solution begins with us. It’s a declaration that sexual assault is not only a crime committed by a perpetrator against a victim, but a societal problem in which all of us have a role to play. We are reframing sexual assault in a way that inspires everyone to see it as their responsibility to do something, big or small, to prevent it.

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Our partnership with the Jed Foundation educates our members on how to spot warning signs that a friend may be struggling with his emotional health, how to recognize when a problem is serious and how to get help for themselves or a friend in need. Through training our members are empowered to understand the importance of emotional health.



Love is the most important thing in our lives, yet we are taught very little about it. One Love is on a mission to change that. We educate young people about healthy and unhealthy relationships, empowering them to identify and avoid abuse and learn how to love better. One Love engages young people with powerful films and honest conversation.

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Through peer-to-peer dialogue, education and behavior modification, TextLess Live More’s mission is to end distracted driving, prevent tragic crashes and save lives. Their pledge: Never Go Digital Behind-the-Wheel. To join the movement and take the pledge, click the link below.

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